Curriculum Vitae—Péter Urbán

Born on: 12 Dec. 1974 in Budapest, Hungary
Citizenship: Hungarian
Marital status: married


Aug. 2003
PhD in Computer Science,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL),
School of Computer and Communication Sciences (I&C),
Distributed Systems Laboratory (LSR).
Thesis title: "Evaluating the Performance of Distributed Agreement Algorithms:
Tools, Methodology and Case Studies.
Supervisor: Prof. André Schiper.
July 1998
MSc in Technical Informatics (Computing) with distinction,
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
Specialization: fault tolerant systems and communication networks.
1997–1998 Part time student at the Graduate School in Computer Science,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).
June 1993
High-school certificate (excellent), specialization: mathematics.
Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium, Budapest.
1989–1992 High-school student, Willi-Graf-Gymnasium in Munich, Germany.

Professional and research experience

Oct. 2003–
–Sept. 2005
Researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST),
School of Information Science, Foundations of Software Laboratory,
Dependable Distributed Systems Group.
  • Research in fault tolerant distributed computing, performance evaluation,
    and modular protocol composition.
    Mostly working with Prof. Xavier Défago.
  • Main developer and maintainer of the Neko prototyping and simulation framework for distributed algorithms, 2000–. ~10 active users.
  • Webmaster, system administration.
1998–2003 Full-time research and teaching assistant,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).
  • Research in fault tolerant distributed computing, performance evaluation and middleware.
  • Participant in ESPRIT research project OpenDREAMS-II
    "Open distributed reliable environment, architecture and middleware for supervision", 1997–2000.
  • Webmaster of the lab; creation of several websites.
  • Administration of a Linux cluster.
(16 months)
R&D intern in an R&D project (Geant4),
European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Quality assurance of ~100,000 lines of code.
  • C++ development for master thesis:
    "Optimizing and Extending the Geometrical Modeller of a Physics Simulation Framework."
  • Web development: tool for publishing OO design diagrams.
1994–1997 Part-time research and teaching assistant,
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary.
  • Participant in international research project "Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems"
    (Hungarian-German Bilateral Scientific and Technology Development Cooperation Agreement, 1993–1995).
  • Research student in project "Intelligent algorithms for fault diagnostics in digital systems"
    (Hungarian National Scientific Research Foundation, 1992–1995).
June 1995 Software developer,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany,
Department of Computer Structures.
Porting of a C/assembly simulation software package.

Teaching experience

(3 semesters)
Part of lectures, exercise sessions: "Distributed systems",
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL),
4 hours/week for 3rd and 4th year undergraduates in computer science and communication systems.
Lectures on message queuing systems, CORBA and DCOM.
(4 semesters)
Part of exercise sessions: "Operating systems" (including concurrent programming),
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL),
2 hours/week for 3rd and 4th year undergraduates in computer science and communication systems.
1999– Supervising students: 3 master theses, 1 bachelor thesis, 12 one-semester projects, 1 two-semester project, 2 interns.
1994–1997 Part of exercise sessions: "Discrete mathematics",
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary,
2 hours/week for 1st year undergraduates in computer science.

Other scientific and professional activities

2004 Web publicity for international workshop (REILS, Japan-Switzerland Joint Seminar on Reliable and Efficient Internet Large-Scale Systems).
2001–2003 Creator and maintainer of the DISC archives
(International Symposium on Distributed Computing;
1999 Publicity Chair for international conference (SRDS'99, Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems).
2000– Reviewing papers for international conferences and journals.
  • EDCC 2005, European Dependable Computing Conference (IEEE/IFIP).
  • DSN 2002 and 2004, Int'l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks (IEEE/IFIP).
  • SRDS 2004, Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (IEEE).
  • IEICE Transactions in 2004, Inst. of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Japan.
  • JBCS in 2004, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society.
  • NCA 2003, Network Computing and Applications (IEEE).
  • ICPADS 2002, Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE).
  • JISE in 2001, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Taiwan.
  • DAIS 2001, Int'l Working Conf. on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (IFIP).
  • ICDCS 2001, Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE).
  • PDCS 2001, Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (IASTED).
1999 Contribution to Apache JSSI open source development project.
1998– Member of professional societies: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Computer Society, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM; 2003–), Pro Scientia Society (Hungary).
Aug. 1995 Summer course "Chaos and Fractals",
organized by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology).

Professional competences

Programming procedural (C), object oriented (Java, C++), scripting (shell, Perl).
Middleware distributed programming (TCP/IP sockets, CORBA, message queues).
Web technologies Java servlets, Perl, templating languages, XML.
Software engineering OO analysis & design, tools (Rational Rose, ArgoUML).
Operating systems UNIX (Linux, Solaris), MacOS X, Windows.
Other SQL databases, make, Ant, parser generators.

Academic awards and scholarships

2003–2005 Postdoctoral Fellowship,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
2000–2003 Grant supporting PhD studies,
CSEM Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Inc., Neuchâtel.
2001 Best student paper award for "Neko: A single environment to simulate and prototype distributed algorithms," International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-15), Beppu City, Japan.
1997 Student Prize of the D.N. Chorafas Foundation.
1997 Best paper award in the telematics and computer networks subsection at the Hungarian Student Conference, Szeged, 1997, and the prize of the Foundation for Hungarian Higher Education and Research, for the paper "A Distributed Constraint Based Diagnosis Algorithm For Multiprocessors."
1997 Pro Scientia Gold Medallion, an award offered every two years to 45 Hungarian undergraduates outstanding in research.
1995–1998 Scholarships during my undergraduate studies: from the Republic of Hungary (2 years), from the Foundation for the Technical Development of Hungary (1 year), and from Graphisoft, a company building 3D architectural design software (2 years).
1993 ACM Scholastic Programming Contest: 10th place in the Western European final, Swansea, UK.


Hungarian Mother tongue.
English Read, written and spoken fluently; work language for 6 years. Princeton TOEFL/TWE scores in 1997: 647/4.5. Hungarian state exam: medium level in 1994.
German Read, written and spoken fluently; 2 1/2 years in a German school. Hungarian state exam: highest level in 1992.
French Read, written and spoken fluently; language of work and teaching for 4 years.
Japanese Basic.

Non-professional interests